Meet Joanne Conant

Education & Classes
Her education includes a Commercial Arts Degree from the Minneapolis Technical Institute and an apprenticeship with enamellist Margaret Seeler during twenty-one years, from 1975 until 1996. Joanne has studied oil painting with master painter Ira Barkoff at the Washington Art Association for 10 years.
Joanne has shared her knowledge with many artists for more than forty years, teaching classes at the Tucson Museum of Art School, Connecticut State College, and the Brookfield Craft Center where she was the enameling studio manager for nine years. She also teaches in workshop environments and helps many private students. Contact her directly for information about upcoming workshops or for private lessons.
Awards & Recognition
Joanne has received several national and international awards for her enamels and paintings. Her work has appeared in numerous publications. The Tucson Museum of Art holds one of Joanne’s enameled boxes in their permanent collection.