Joanne is a member of a number of national and local associations.
The Enamelist Society
The Enamelist Society, Inc. is a volunteer arts organization founded in 1987 to promote the art of enameling.
The North East Enamel Guild
Enamel Guild / North East (EG/NE) is a professional organization dedicated to the Art of Enameling through communication and cooperation, including promoting the art of vitreous enamel and educating both the public and members of EG/NE through activities such as exhibitions, workshops, publications, lectures, demonstrations, educational programs, and symposia throughout the northeast region of the USA.
Washington Art Association
Founded in 1952, the Washington Art Association is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching our community through art education, exhibitions, and special events.
Brookfield Craft Center
Brookfield Craft Center is dedicated to teaching traditional and contemporary craft skills and fostering the appreciation of fine craftsmanship.